Sunday, August 19, 2018

A Lemonade Stand

We have heard for six weeks nearly every weekend, "Mom, can I have a lemonade stand?" (It's never "Dad, can I have a lemonade stand?" but that's another post). I caved today. I said yes.

If my daughter's name began with a P, we'd call her Persistent Patty, but it doesn't. The child has the persistence of a puppy dropping the ball at your feet literally every time you throw it. When she wants something, it is unrelenting until she gets it and if you say no, you better have every ounce of willpower to follow through on saying no.

So today, we embarked on the lemonade stand adventure. It lasted more than five minutes, which was a relief. She even had one paying customer besides mom, dad, and brother, but she has yet to grasp the whole planning stage of entrepreneurship. Instead, she sees her objective, conquers it, and then asks me, "Mom, why are there no customers?"

I referenced a book that we read, "Froggy's Lemonade Stand" by Jonathon London, and asked what happened during that book. Froggy drinks all the lemonade while waiting on his friends, so I asked my daughter to think about how people were generally busy in the mornings and told her to pick it up again about 3 PM. When we returned home from a little family outing at 3, she was no longer interested.

So now, we have a pitcher of lemonade in the fridge and a lemonade sign that says, "Lemonade 25 cents." I have no idea if we'll use the lemonade sign again, but I'm sure that we'll drink the lemonade - because who doesn't love a cup of lemonade on a warm summer day?

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